Slapstick of Another Kind
Slapstick of Another Kind
A rich, beautiful couple give birth to deformed alien twins who, when their heads are together, are the smartest kids on the planet.
First Family
First Family
When the First Daughter is kidnapped by an African tribe, the President must do what he can to keep them from sacrificing her.
Paper Moon
Paper Moon
A bible salesman finds himself saddled with a young girl who may or may not be his daughter, and the two forge an unlikely partnership as a money-making con team in Depression-era Kansas.
What’s Up, Doc?
What’s Up, Doc?
The accidental mix-up of four identical plaid overnight bags leads to a series of increasingly wild and wacky situations.
History of the World: Part I
History of the World: Part I
Kameno doba: spiljski ljudi pokušavaju pronaći vatru. Istodobno, počinju slikati životinjske motive na stjenama spilja i organiziraju si život u zajednici kako najbolje mogu. U vrijeme ...
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother
Londonskom detektivu Sigersonu Holmesu (G. Wilder) uistinu nije lako. Premda vjeruje da se sposobnošću i inteligencijom može mjeriti sa svojim starijim bratom Sherlockom Holmesom (D. ...
High Anxiety
High Anxiety
Brooks glumi dr. Richarda H. Thorndykea, renomiranog i glasovitog harvardskog psihijatra s prikrivenim strahom od visine koji rezultira živčanom napetošću. Thorndyke postaje novi ...