Dva brata kreću na put sa ocem koji ih pokušava zaštititi od vanzemaljske prijetnje.
Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures
Dok se SAD borio da prije Rusije pošalje čovjeka u svemir, NASA je pronašla neiscrpan talent u grupi afro-američkih matematičarki koje su bile mozak iza jedne od najvećih operacija u ...
The Shack
The Shack
Koliba je priča o ocu čija je kći Missy oteta tijekom obiteljskog izleta i ubijena. Jedino što je ostalo, krvavu haljinicu, policija je pronašla u napuštenoj kolibi u divljini Oregona. ...
Lost Women of Highway 20
Lost Women of Highway 20
Explores the crimes that occurred along Highway 20 between the late 1970s and the early 1990s, where several young women and girls vanished, were sexually assaulted, or were killed.
Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
Descend into the world of true-crime podcasts with Poppy Parnell, who risks everything—including her life—to pursue truth and justice.
Red Band Society
Red Band Society
Children and teenagers become friends in a hospital where they are all patients. Together they try to escape the sad reality to create their own world with their own codes , while the ...
Thunder Force
Thunder Force
U svijetu koji teroriziraju super-zlikovci, jedna je žena stvorila proces kako običnim ljudima dati supermoći. No kada znanstvenica Emily Stanton (Spencer) slučajno svojoj staroj ...
Svake godine, na Badnjak, Duh Božića odabere jednu mračnu dušu koju će posjetiti tri duha i pokušati popraviti. Ove sezone će izbor pasti na Clinta Briggsa, bogatog, ali škrtog i vrlo ...
The Journeyman
The Journeyman
In the Wild West at the turn of the century, two young brothers watch as their Grandpa is gunned down in cold blood. The desperados kidnap the older boy while a priest takes in the ...