James Bond poslan je u istragu nakon što je kolega agent "00" pronađen mrtav s neprocjenjivim Fabergéovim jajetom. Bond prati misterij i otkriva krijumčarski skandal i ruskog generala ...
The Living Daylights
The Living Daylights
James Bond pomaže ruskom generalu u bijegu na zapad. Ubrzo saznaje da ga KGB želi ubiti zbog pomaganja generalu. Malo kasnije, General je otet iz Tajne službe, što dovodi do sumnje u ...
Iron Eagle III
Iron Eagle III
Chappy discovers a drug-smuggling scheme at his own air base. It turns out that the lives of some village people in Peru are at stake, and he decides to fly there with ancient airplanes ...
A View to a Kill
A View to a Kill
Novorazvijeni mikročip koji je Zorin Industries dizajnirao za britansku vladu i koji može preživjeti elektromagnetsko zračenje izazvano nuklearnom eksplozijom sletio je u ruke KGB-a. ...
The Point Men
The Point Men
Some time after their botched operation to capture a known Palestinian terrorist, a team of Israeli agents starts to get killed off one by one. Their leader must get to the bottom of ...