BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths
BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths
A renowned Mexican journalist and documentary filmmaker living in Los Angeles, after being named the recipient of a prestigious international award, is compelled to return to his native ...
The Killing of a Journalist
The Killing of a Journalist
A young investigative journalist and his fiancée are brutally murdered in their home in Slovakia. Their deaths inspire the biggest protests in Slovakia since the fall of communism. The ...
Putin’s Kiss
Putin’s Kiss
Masha Drokova is a rising star in Russia's popular nationalistic youth movement, Nashi. A smart, ambitious teenager who – literally – embraced Vladimir Putin and his promise of a ...
Boston Strangler
Boston Strangler
Temeljeno na istinitoj priči o bostonskom manijaku koji je ranih šezdesetih oduzeo živote više desetina žena. Reporterka Loretta McLaughlin pokreće istragu zajedno sa koleginicom Jean ...
She Said
She Said
Novinarke New York Timesa, Megan Twohey i Jodi Kantor objavile su priču koja je pokrenula pokret #Metoo te razbila desetljeća šutnje o temi seksualnih napada u Hollywoodu i zauvijek ...
The Fixer
The Fixer
Romanian-born Radu Patru is a trainee at a prestigious French news network. Serving as a translator and general problem solver, or "fixer," for the headlining journalists during his ...
Cold Copy
Cold Copy
A young broadcast journalism student is trying to win the approval of her influential mentor who pushes her to reconsider the meaning of truth if it means success.